Renderer objects


This topic discusses the JSON renderer objects as returned by the REST API.

The following renderers are discussed here:

New at 10.2

Renderer objects support the following two new optional properties:

Simple renderer

A simple renderer is a renderer that uses one symbol only. The type property for simple renderers is simple.

JSON syntax

  "type" : "simple",
  "symbol" :  <symbol>,
  "label" : "<label>",
  "description" : "<description>",
  "rotationType": "<arithmetic | geographic>",
  "rotationExpression": "<expression>"

JSON example

   "type": "simple",
    "type": "esriSMS",
    "style": "esriSMSCircle",
    "color": [255,0,0,255],
    "size": 5,
    "angle": 0,
    "xoffset": 0,
    "yoffset": 0,
     "color": [0,0,0,255],
     "width": 1
   "label": "",
   "description": "",
  "rotationType": "geographic",
  "rotationExpression": "[Rotation] * 2"

Unique value renderer

A unique value renderer symbolizes groups of features that have matching field values. The type property for unique value renderers is uniqueValue. The rotationType property controls the origin and direction of rotation. If the rotationType is defined as arithmetic, the symbol is rotated from east in a counter-clockwise direction where east is the 0° axis. If the rotationType is defined as geographic, the symbol is rotated from north in a clockwise direction where north is the 0° axis.

JSON syntax

  "type" : "uniqueValue",
  "field1" : "<field1>",
  "field2" : "<field2>",
  "field3" : "<field3>",
  "fieldDelimiter" : "<fieldDelimiter>",
  "defaultSymbol" :  <symbol>,
  "defaultLabel" : "<defaultLabel>",
  "uniqueValueInfos" : [
      "value" : "<value1>",
      "label" : "<label1>",
      "description" : "<description1>",
      "symbol" :  <symbol1>
      "value" : "<value2>",
      "label" : "<label2>",
      "description" : "<description2>",
      "symbol" :  <symbol2>
  "rotationType": "<arithmetic | geographic>",
  "rotationExpression": "<expression>"

JSON example

      "type" : "uniqueValue", 
      "field1" : "SubtypeCD", 
      "field2" : null, 
      "field3" : null, 
      "fieldDelimiter" : ", ", 
      "defaultSymbol" : 
        "type" : "esriSLS", 
        "style" : "esriSLSSolid", 
        "color" : [130,130,130,255], 
        "width" : 1
      "defaultLabel" : "\u003cOther values\u003e", 
      "uniqueValueInfos" : [
          "value" : "1", 
          "label" : "Duct Bank", 
          "description" : "Duct Bank description", 
          "symbol" : 
            "type" : "esriSLS", 
            "style" : "esriSLSDash", 
            "color" : [76,0,163,255], 
            "width" : 1
          "value" : "2", 
          "label" : "Trench", 
          "description" : "Trench description", 
          "symbol" : 
            "type" : "esriSLS", 
            "style" : "esriSLSDot", 
            "color" : [115,76,0,255], 
            "width" : 1
      "rotationType": "geographic",
      "rotationExpression": "[Rotation] * 2"

Class breaks renderer

A class breaks renderer symbolizes each feature based on the value of some numeric field. The type property for class breaks renderer is classBreaks. The rotationType property controls the origin and direction of rotation. If the rotationType is defined as arithmetic, the symbol is rotated from east in a counter-clockwise direction where east is the 0° axis. If the rotationType is defined as geographic, the symbol is rotated from north in a clockwise direction where north is the 0° axis.

New at 10.1

  • classificationMethod—Use classificationMethod to determine the classification method that was used to generate class breaks.
  • normalizationField, normalizationType, and normalizationTotal—Use normalizationType to determine how the data was normalized. If this property is missing, it means no normalization was applied. When normalization type is esriNormalizeByField, use normalizationField to determine the field used to normalize the data. When normalization type is esriNormalizeByPercentOfTotal, use normalizationTotal to determine the total value.
  • defaultSymbol—Use to symbolize features whose value does not belong in any of the specified classBreaks.
  • backgroundFillSymbol—To symbolize polygon features with proportional symbols, use backgroundFillSymbol to specify a simple fill symbol to represent polygon features, and use marker symbols of varying sizes in classBreakInfos to indicate the quantity.

JSON syntax

  "type" : "classBreaks",
  "field" : "<field>",
  "classificationMethod" : "<classification method>", 
  "normalizationType" : "<esriNormalizeByField | esriNormalizeByLog | esriNormalizeByPercentOfTotal>",
  "normalizationField" : "<normalization field>", //when normalizationType is esriNormalizeByField
  "normalizationTotal" : <total value>, //when normalizationType is esriNormalizeByPercentOfTotal
  "defaultSymbol": <symbol>,
  "defaultLabel": "<label>",
  "backgroundFillSymbol": <simple fill symbol>, //supported only for polygon features
  "minValue" : <minValue>, //when missing, it defaults to 0
  "classBreakInfos" : [
      "classMaxValue" : <classMaxValue1>,
      "label" : "<label1>",
      "description" : "<description1>",
      "symbol" :  <symbol1>
      "classMaxValue" : <classMaxValue2>,
      "label" : "<label2>",
      "description" : "<description2>",
      "symbol" :  <symbol2>
  "rotationType": "<arithmetic | geographic>",
  "rotationExpression": "<expression>"

JSON example

This example contains three classes.

  • Class 1 is used to symbolize features whose values are in the range of 10.000000–1000.000000.
  • Class 2 is used to symbolize features whose values are in the range of 1000.000001–8000.000000.
  • Class 3 is used to symbolize features whose values are in the range of 8000.000001–10000.000000.

      "type" : "classBreaks", 
      "field" : "Shape.area", 
      "classificationMethod" : "esriClassifyManual", 
      "defaultSymbol": {
        "type": "esriSFS",
        "style": "esriSFSDiagonalCross",
        "color": [255,0,0,255],
        "outline": {
          "type": "esriSLS",
          "style": "esriSLSSolid",
          "color": [110,110,110,255],
          "width": 0.5
      "minValue" : 10.0, 
      "classBreakInfos" : [
          "classMaxValue" : 1000, 
          "label" : "10.0 - 1000.000000", 
          "description" : "10 to 1000", 
          "symbol" : 
            "type" : "esriSFS", 
            "style" : "esriSFSSolid", 
            "color" : [236,252,204,255], 
            "outline" : 
              "type" : "esriSLS", 
              "style" : "esriSLSSolid", 
              "color" : [110,110,110,255], 
              "width" : 0.4
          "classMaxValue" : 8000, 
          "label" : "1000.000001 - 8000.000000", 
          "description" : "1000 to 8000", 
          "symbol" : 
            "type" : "esriSFS", 
            "style" : "esriSFSSolid", 
            "color" : [218,240,158,255], 
            "outline" : 
              "type" : "esriSLS", 
              "style" : "esriSLSSolid", 
              "color" : [110,110,110,255], 
              "width" : 0.4
          "classMaxValue" : 10000, 
          "label" : "8000.000001 - 10000.000000", 
          "description" : "8000 to 10000", 
          "symbol" : 
            "type" : "esriSFS", 
            "style" : "esriSFSSolid", 
            "color" : [255,255,0,255], 
            "outline" : 
              "type" : "esriSLS", 
              "style" : "esriSLSSolid", 
              "color" : [110,110,110,255], 
              "width" : 0.4
      "rotationType": "geographic",
      "rotationExpression": "[Rotation] * 2"