

The suggest operation is performed on a geocode service resource. The result of this operation is a resource representing a list of suggested matches for the input text. This resource provides the matching text as well as a unique ID value, which links a suggestion to a specific place or address.

All geocoding services support suggest if the locator on which the geocode service is based was built using the Create Locator geoprocessing tool and if the locator is published to ArcGIS Server 10.3 or later with the suggest capability enabled.

Some legacy locators may also support suggestions if they were created at ArcMap 10.3 or later. The service description will list suggest as a capability if it is supported.

The suggest operation allows character-by-character autocomplete suggestions to be generated for user input in a client application. This capability facilitates the interactive search user experience by reducing the number of characters that need to be typed before a suggested match is obtained. A client application can provide a list of suggestions that is updated with each character typed by a user until the address they are looking for appears in the list.

For example, if a user wants to find 27488 Stanford Ave, Bowden, North Dakota, they need to type only 27488 stanfo, and the address they are looking for is returned as an item in the suggestion list. Or if they are looking for a Disney park but don't know the proper name or address, they can find it using suggest.

Most of the search types that can be made with the findAddressCandidates operation can also be made with suggestions. Specifically, the following types of searches are supported by the suggest operation:

Additionally, the suggest operation uses the same proximity algorithm as the findAddressCandidates operation.


The REST request URL must include HTTPS. Requests with HTTP are not supported.

New at 10.9.1

If there are multiple subaddresses at an address, you can type part of the subaddress name with or without an indicator to return a list of valid subaddress suggest candidates. The locator based on the Point Address role that supports subaddresses must be built with the Create Locator tool in ArcGIS Pro 2.9 or later and Suggestions for partial subaddreses setting enabled in the Locator Properties dialog box in order to use this functionality.

New at 10.4

New at 10.3

Request parameters





The input text provided by a user, which is used by the suggest operation to generate a list of possible matches.




Defines an origin point that is used to prefer or boost geocoding candidates based on their proximity to the location. Candidates near the location are prioritized relative to those farther away. This is useful in mobile applications where a user wants to search for places in the vicinity of their current GPS location, or in mapping applications where users want to search for places near the center of the map.

The location can be represented with a simple comma-separated syntax (x,y), or as a JSON point object. If the comma-separated syntax is used, the spatial reference of the coordinates must be WGS84; otherwise, the spatial reference of the point coordinates can be defined in the JSON object.


//simple syntax (WGS84)

//JSON with spatial reference
location= { "x": -13046165.572, "y": 4036389.847, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 102100 } }


A place or address type that can be used to filter suggest results. The parameter supports input of single-category values or multiple comma-separated values. The category parameter must be passed in a request with the text parameter.

If more than one value is specified for the parameter, the values must be separated by a comma, with no spaces after the comma.




A set of bounding box coordinates that limit the search area for suggestions to a specific region. This is especially useful for applications in which a user will search for places and addresses within the current map extent.

You can specify the spatial reference of the searchExtent coordinates, which is necessary if the map spatial reference is different than that of the geocoding service; otherwise, the spatial reference of the coordinates is assumed to be the same as that of the geocoding service. The spatial reference of the geocoding service is the same as the reference data that was used to build the locator on which the geocoding service is based.

The input can either be a comma-separated list of coordinates defining the bounding box or a JSON envelope object. The spatial reference of the bounding box coordinates can be included if an envelope object is used.


//coordinates defining the bounding box

//JSON envelope object
searchExtent= { "xmin" : -109.55, "ymin" : 25.76, "xmax" : -86.39, "ymax" : 49.94, "spatialReference" : {"wkid" : 4326} }


The maximum number of suggestions returned by the suggest operation, up to the maximum number allowed by the service. If maxSuggestions is not included in the suggest request, the default value is 5. The maximum suggestions value can be modified in the source address locator.




Limits the returned suggestions to values in a particular country. Valid two- and three-character country code values for each country are available in geocode coverage.

When the countryCode parameter is specified in a suggest request, the corresponding findAddressCandidates request must also include the countryCode parameter with the same value.




The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json | pjson

Suggest output

The response returned by a suggest request is composed of an array of suggestions; each suggestion contains the suggestion text, a magicKey value, and the isCollection flag. A maximum of five suggestions are included in the suggestions array.

Output properties


The suggestion text can be used in a client application to populate a list of suggestions as a user enters characters in a search text box.

It can also be included with magicKey in a findAddressCandidates request to quickly retrieve a geosearch candidate.


"text": Starbucks, 1265 Alabama St, Redlands, California


An ID attribute value that, along with the text attribute, links a suggestion to an address or place.

After you make a suggest request, the typical workflow is to pass the text (as the SingleLine parameter value) and magicKey values in a findAddressCandidates request, which retrieves the result in less time than passing in a SingleLine value by itself.


"magicKey": JS91CYhQDS5vDPhvSMyGZby0YFbaUDoaM5bHMoFF


The magicKey value is not a permanent value within the geocoding service across updates and should not be stored by a client application. It is only intended to be used in geosearch operations as input for the findAddressCandidates magicKey parameter.


A Boolean parameter that indicates whether the suggestion item represents a collection of places, as opposed to a specific place.

If isCollection = true for a suggestion item, it means the item represents a search term for a common place-name or POI category; suggestion items such as Starbucks, McDonald's, Gas Station, and Airport will have isCollection = true.

If isCollection = false, the suggestion item represents a specific place-name or address; suggestion items such as Disneyland or 380 New York St, Redlands, CA will have isCollection = false.

This flag can be used by application developers to apply different behavior to cases where isCollection is true versus cases where isCollection is false.

Example (for POI categories and common place-names):

"isCollection": true

Example (for street addresses, postal codes, admin places, and POIs):

"isCollection": false

Working with suggestions

In broad terms, the suggestions engine compares tokens in the input text with indexed terms for each address and place in the service, and returns the closest matches. The input parameters included in the request affect the results. For instance, including the location parameter in the request influences the results to favor places near the defined location.

The suggest method is intended to be used by a client application to provide a list of suggested matches as a user enters text in a search box. With each character that the user enters in the search box, the list of suggestions will update, until one of the suggestions matches what the user is looking for.

When the user selects a suggestion, the text and magicKey values for that suggestion can be passed with a findAddressCandidates request as the values for the SingleLine and magicKey input parameters, respectively:



The same parameters and values used in the suggest request should also be included in the corresponding findAddressCandidates request. This includes location, searchExtent, category, and countryCode.

Using proximity with suggestions

As with the findAddressCandidates method, suggest allows location values to be passed with the request to prioritize places that are closest to the specified location.

By using the location parameter, you can define an area of influence for your searches. The location value represents the center point of the area, which spans a radius of 50,000 meters. Features closest to the input location show up higher in the list of suggestions. Results that are within the area of influence receive a greater boost than those outside the area.

To see how the use of proximity influences suggest results, consider the following example. If the map location is in Las Vegas, and a user types Treas in a search box, the returned suggestions are all related to Treasure Island Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas.

Example: Get suggestions using location

Request URL


Suggest JSON response

 "suggestions": [
   "text": "Treasure Island, 3300 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV, 89109, USA",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9MzE5Mjk3NiNsbmc9MzMjcGw9MzUzNTAzI2xicz0xNDozNzMxNjQ2NA==",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Treasure Island-Las Vegas, 3300 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV, 89109, USA",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9MzE5Mjk3NiNsbmc9MzMjcGw9MzUzNTQ0I2xicz0xNDozNzMxNjU2Mg==",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Treasure Island Parking, Mel Torme Way, Las Vegas, NV, 89109, USA",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9MzE5Mjk4OCNsbmc9MzMjcGw9MzUzNTg2I2xicz0xNDozNzMxNjUzMA==",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Treasure Island, Las Vegas, NV, 89109, USA",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9MzE5Mjk0NyNsbmc9MzMjcGw9MzUzMzY0I2xicz0xNDozNzMxNjQ2NA==",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Treasure Island Parking, Industrial Rd, Las Vegas, NV, 89109, USA",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9MzE5Mjk0OCNsbmc9MzMjcGw9MzUzMzc1I2xicz0xNDozNzMxNjUzMA==",
   "isCollection": false

If the user enters the same text in the search box but is zoomed out to an extent for which proximity search is not used, and the location parameter is not passed in the suggest request, only admin places whose names begin with Treas are returned in the suggestions list.

Example: Get suggestions without location

Request URL


Suggest JSON response

 "suggestions": [
   "text": "Treasure Bay, Islands, HKG",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9MzYzMzA4ODYjbG5nPTMzI3BsPTI0Mjc2NTY0I2xicz0xNDozNzMxNjAzOA==",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Treasure Court, Yuen Long, HKG",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9MzYzMzE4ODYjbG5nPTMzI3BsPTI0Mjc3MTM0I2xicz0xNDozNzMxNjI3Mw==",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Treasure Garden, Sha Tin, HKG",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9MzYzMjUxMTUjbG5nPTMzI3BsPTI0MjczNjYyI2xicz0xNDozNzMxNjM0Ng==",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Treasure Spot Garden Ii, Sha Tin, HKG",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9MzYzMjUzNjkjbG5nPTMzI3BsPTI0MjczOTE2I2xicz0xNDozNzMxNjcyMQ==",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Treasure Spot Palace, Sha Tin, HKG",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9MzYzMjUyMzgjbG5nPTMzI3BsPTI0MjczNzg1I2xicz0xNDozNzMxNjcyMg==",
   "isCollection": false

It is important to note that proximity search does not filter out results that are far from the input location—it is intended to influence the sort order of results so the most locationally relevant matches are returned first. For instance, if your location is in Seattle and you type Mount Ver, the first suggestion in the list is Mount Vernon, Washington, United States. The second is Mount Vernon, Westchester County, New York, United States. So even though Mount Vernon in New York is far from Seattle, it is still returned because it is the second most relevant candidate based on its distance from the location and its rank. To limit suggestions to a specific area, use the searchExtent parameter.

Limiting suggestions to a specified area

Unlike the location parameter, the searchExtent parameter filters out suggestions for places that are outside of the specified area. To confine suggestions to a localized area, such as the current map extent, you can use searchExtent to define a bounding rectangle to search within. Bounding rectangle coordinates can be entered as a simple comma-separated string in the format <lower left corner>,<upper right corner>. If this simple format is used, the coordinates must be in the default spatial reference of the geocode service.

To see how searchExtent affects suggestions, consider the following example. Assume that a user of your application has zoomed the map to the extent of Kansas City, Missouri, and enters Main St in the search box. If the map extent is passed as the searchExtent parameter in a suggest request, only suggestions beginning with Main St in Kansas City are returned.

Example: Get suggestions using searchExtent

Request URL


Suggest JSON response

 "suggestions": [
   "text": "Main St, Kansas City, MO, 64106, USA",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9NzM2NjAyMSNsbmc9MzMjbGJzPTEwOTo0OTU5NTU0OQ==",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Main St, Kansas City, MO, 64105, USA",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9NzM2NjAzNCNsbmc9MzMjbGJzPTEwOTo0OTU5NTU0OQ==",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Main St, Kansas City, MO, 64108, USA",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9NzM2NDYwOSNsbmc9MzMjbGJzPTEwOTo0OTU5NTU0OQ==",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Main Street Parking Garage, 1026 Main St, Kansas City, MO, 64105, USA",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9NzM2NzYyMCNsbmc9MzMjcGw9OTIwMTQ5I2xicz0xNDoyMjcyNDM1Mw==",
   "isCollection": false

You can specify a spatial reference for searchExtent, which is necessary if your map uses a different spatial reference than the geocode service. For example, the default basemaps use a Web Mercator spatial reference (WKID = 102100), with coordinates in meters. The searchExtent must be passed as a JSON envelope object if the coordinates are in a spatial reference other than that of the geocoding service. The following request URL uses the previous example of Main St in Kansas City, but specifies the bounding rectangle with Web Mercator coordinates.

Example: Get suggestions using searchExtent with a JSON envelope object

Request URL


Suggest JSON response

 "suggestions": [
   "text": "Main St, Kansas City, MO, 64106, USA",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9NzM2NjAyMSNsbmc9MzMjbGJzPTEwOTo0OTU5NTU0OQ==",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Main St, Kansas City, MO, 64105, USA",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9NzM2NjAzNCNsbmc9MzMjbGJzPTEwOTo0OTU5NTU0OQ==",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Main St, Kansas City, MO, 64108, USA",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9NzM2NDYwOSNsbmc9MzMjbGJzPTEwOTo0OTU5NTU0OQ==",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Main Street Parking Garage, 1026 Main St, Kansas City, MO, 64105, USA",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9NzM2NzYyMCNsbmc9MzMjcGw9OTIwMTQ5I2xicz0xNDoyMjcyNDM1Mw==",
   "isCollection": false

Using the isCollection property

The isCollection property is a Boolean flag that indicates the type of suggestion item returned by a suggest request. When isCollection = true, the suggestion item represents a general search term for a POI type or a common place-name corresponding to multiple locations, such as Hotel, Clothing Store, or McDonald's. When isCollection = false, the suggestion item represents the name of a discrete address or place, such as Paris, France, Disneyland, or 380 New York St, Redlands, CA.

In general, when a suggestion text and magicKey pair for which isCollection=true is sent in a findAddressCandidates request, multiple candidates are returned with the same name (Starbucks) or category (Coffee Shop); typically, all of the candidates are equally relevant to the user's search. When isCollection=false, there may be one or more candidates returned; if there are multiple candidates, the first one is usually the best match and the most relevant to the search.

Consider the following example. A user of a mapping application is zoomed in to the extent of Sydney, Australia, and types coffee in a search box.

Example: Using the isCollection property

Request URL


Suggest JSON response

 "suggestions": [
   "text": "Coffee",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MiNubT1Db2ZmZWUjc3o9MTUxLjIyOTEyOTotMzMuODc5NzQxMDAwMDAwMDAzI2NzPTcw",
   "isCollection": true
   "text": "Coffee Tea & Me, 87 Macleay St, Potts Point, Sydney, New South Wales, 2011, AUS",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9MjcwNTA3OTQjbG5nPTMzI3BsPTE2NTU4Nzg1I2xicz0xNDoxMDMxNzg3Mw==",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Coffee Bar by Espresso'd, Arnold Pl, Darlinghurst, Sydney, New South Wales, 2010, AUS",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9MjcwNjcwNDMjbG5nPTMzI3BsPTE2NTgxMDU3I2xicz0xNDoxMDMxMTQ4OQ==",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Coffee Tea & Me, 224 Oxford St, Bondi Junction, Sydney, New South Wales, 2022, AUS",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9MjcwMzg0MjYjbG5nPTMzI3BsPTE2NTQyNjczI2xicz0xNDoxMDMxNzg3Mw==",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Coffee Dozo, 84 Mary St, Surry Hills, Sydney, New South Wales, 2010, AUS",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9MjcwNDM5MjAjbG5nPTMzI3BsPTE2NTQ4OTk0I2xicz0xNDoxMDMxMzEzNw==",
   "isCollection": false

In this example, note that isCollection=true for the first suggestion item, Coffee Shop. The text and magicKey for this item correspond to a search for places of POI category Coffee Shop within approximately 5,000 meters of a location in Sydney, Australia. The text and magicKey combinations of the rest of the items, for which isCollection=false, represent the names of coffee shops that are within 5,000 meters of the location.

When the text and magicKey combination of the item for which isCollection=true is sent to the geocoding service in a findAddressCandidates request, with maxLocations=10, several coffee shops are returned.

Example: Using suggest result in a findAddressCandidates request when isCollection=true

Request URL


findAddressCandidates JSON response

 "spatialReference": {
  "wkid": 4326,
  "latestWkid": 4326
 "candidates": [
   "address": "Cafe Green Bay",
   "location": {
    "x": 151.2278500000001,
    "y": -33.87797999999998
   "score": 100,
   "attributes": {
    "Match_addr": "Cafe Green Bay",
    "Type": "Coffee Shop",
    "Place_addr": "50 McLachlan Ave, Darlinghurst, Sydney, New South Wales, 2010"
   "extent": {
    "xmin": 151.22285000000011,
    "ymin": -33.882979999999982,
    "xmax": 151.2328500000001,
    "ymax": -33.872979999999977
   "address": "Stranger Espresso",
   "location": {
    "x": 151.22705000000008,
    "y": -33.878289999999936
   "score": 100,
   "attributes": {
    "Match_addr": "Stranger Espresso",
    "Type": "Coffee Shop",
    "Place_addr": "66 McLachlan Ave, Darlinghurst, Sydney, New South Wales, 2010"
   "extent": {
    "xmin": 151.22205000000008,
    "ymin": -33.883289999999938,
    "xmax": 151.23205000000007,
    "ymax": -33.873289999999933

It is important to note that if maxLocations=10 had not been explicitly passed in the findAddressCandidates request, up to 50 candidates would have been returned, because the findAddressCandidates operation returns all matching candidates (up to the maximum allowed by the service) in the absence of the maxLocations parameter. Also note that the JSON response shown here has been truncated to preserve space.

If the text and magicKey combination of any of the items for which isCollection=false are passed in a findAddressCandidates request, only a single candidate is returned.

Example: Using suggest result in a findAddressCandidates request when isCollection=false

Request URL


findAddressCandidates JSON response

 "spatialReference": {
  "wkid": 4326,
  "latestWkid": 4326
 "candidates": [
   "address": "Coffee Tea & Me",
   "location": {
    "x": 151.22490000000005,
    "y": -33.871059999999943
   "score": 100,
   "attributes": {
   "extent": {
    "xmin": 151.21990000000005,
    "ymin": -33.876059999999946,
    "xmax": 151.22990000000004,
    "ymax": -33.866059999999941

A developer can use the isCollection property to properly handle cases such as this in their application. Specifically, for cases where isCollection=true, the maxLocations parameter should be included in the corresponding findAddressCandidates request and set to 5 or greater. Often, there are more than 5 or even 10 matches for such cases, so consider implementing pagination in the application to show the user more results. For cases in which isCollection=false, the maxLocations parameter should be set to 1.

Specifying the number of suggestions

Depending on the use cases of your application, the default number of suggestions returned by a suggest request (5) may be too few, or too many. You can use the maxSuggestions parameter to choose the amount of suggestions that works for you.

Example: Choosing the number of suggestions to return with maxSuggestions (with input text esri)

Request URL


Suggest JSON response

 "suggestions": [
   "text": "Esri, 380 New York St, Redlands, CA, 92373, USA",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9ODU5NTQxMyNsbmc9MzMjcGw9MTA2ODg0MyNsYnM9MTQ6MTM2OTkzMjY=",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Esri Australia Pty. Ltd. – Brisbane Office, 111 Elizabeth Street, Brisbane, Queensland, 4000, AUS",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9Mjc1MzAwMjUjbG5nPTMzI3BsPTE2ODQ4OTcwI2xicz0xNDoxMzY5OTMzMg==",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Esri Canada Ltd., 12 Concorde Place, Toronto, Ontario, M3C 3R8, CAN",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9MTUzNDc3OTAjbG5nPTMzI3BsPTcyNzA2MzgjbGJzPTE0OjEzNjk5MzY0",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Esri Chile S.A., Apoquindo 6550, Las Condes, Santiago, 7560903, CHL",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9MzEyNzQxNzMjbG5nPTE0MCNwbD0yMDExMDQwNiNsYnM9MTQ6MTM2OTkzNjg=",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Esri Deutschland GmbH, Ring Straße 7, 85402, Kranzberg, Bayern, DEU",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9MTg1MTI3MDkjbG5nPTQ0I3BsPTk1MzkzODIjbGJzPTE0OjEzNjk5Mzc2",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Esri España Soluciones Geoespaciales S.L., Calle Emilio Muñoz 35, 28037, Simancas, Madrid, ESP",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9MzUxOTY2NDEjbG5nPTE0MCNwbD0yMzQ4OTQ3MCNsYnM9MTQ6MTM2OTkzODE=",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Esri Finland Oy, Bertel Jungin Aukio 3, 02600, Espoo, FIN",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9MzUzMTcxMDkjbG5nPTM5I3BsPTIzNjA0NjY0I2xicz0xNDoxMzY5OTM4Mw==",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Esri Ireland, Ashtown, Dublin, IRL",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9Mzk1MDAwMjgjbG5nPTMzI3BsPTM5NTgzMTA5I2xicz0xNDoxMzY5OTM5Ng==",
   "isCollection": false

Category filtering

The suggest operation supports filtering searches by category values, which represent address and place types. By including the category parameter in a suggest request, you can avoid false positive matches to unexpected place and address types due to ambiguous searches.

For example, a user may type Bear, in a search box, expecting the service to return Bear Mountain ski resort as a suggestion. However, there are many populated places in the world with Bear in their name, and this is reflected in the suggestions.

Example: Get suggestions for Bear without category

Request URL


JSON resposne

 "suggestions": [
   "text": "Bear, DE, USA",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9ODIyMTkzMCNsbmc9MzMjcGw9MTAyODUyMCNsYnM9MTQ6NzIxNjc0Ng==",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Bear Creek Twp, MI, USA",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9NTI5OTk0MCNsbmc9MzMjcGw9NjIxMTkxI2xicz0xNDo3MjE3NDA3",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Bear Valley Springs, CA, USA",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9MzY0Mzk3OSNsbmc9MzMjcGw9NDI2MTgzI2xicz0xNDo3MjE4Nzkx",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Bear Creek Twp, PA, USA",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9NjY3OTg0NiNsbmc9MzMjcGw9ODM3MzIxI2xicz0xNDo3MjE3NDA3",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Bear Creek, PA, USA",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9NjY3NTQ1NyNsbmc9MzMjcGw9ODM2NzIxI2xicz0xNDo3MjE3MTAy",
   "isCollection": false

The solution for this case is to pass the category parameter in the request. By including category=Ski Resort in the request, all places that are not ski resorts are bypassed by the search, and only ski resorts whose names begin with Bear are returned.

Example: Get suggestions for Bear with category=Ski Resort

Request URL


JSON response

 "suggestions": [
   "text": "Bear Creek Mountain Resort, 101 Doe Mountain Ln, Macungie, PA, 18062, USA",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9NjY4NTkxMiNsbmc9MzMjcGw9ODM4Mjc1I2xicz0xNDo3MjE3Mjcz",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Bear Mountain, 43101 Goldmine Dr, Big Bear Lake, CA, 92315, USA",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9MzI3NDk1NSNsbmc9MzMjcGw9MzYxNjIzI2xicz0xNDo3MjE4MDgw",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Bear Paw Ski Bowl, Beaver Creek Rd, Havre, MT, 59501, USA",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9NDE2Mzk1NiNsbmc9MzMjcGw9NDgzOTQ0I2xicz0xNDo3MjE4MjUy",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Bear Peak, Grand Summit Rd, Bartlett, NH, 03812, USA",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9NjU0MTgwOCNsbmc9MzMjcGw9ODE2MTI1I2xicz0xNDo3MjE4MjYz",
   "isCollection": false
   "text": "Bear Valley Mountain Resort, Mt Reba Rd, Markleeville, CA, 96120, USA",
   "magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9MzgwMjM1MCNsbmc9MzMjcGw9NDQ0NzgxI2xicz0xNDo3MjE4NzYx",
   "isCollection": false