Version Management Service


The VersionManagementServer service exposes the management capabilities necessary to support feature services that work with branch versioned datasets. This service only supports datasets that use branch versioning.

The following are supported operations for the VersionManagementServer resource:

The version resource returns information about a single version and supports many operations for that version.


The capabilities property was introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1. This property returns the capabilities the service supports. Refer to the JSON Response syntax section for the ArcGIS Enterprise version each capability was first introduced:

  • supportsConflictDetectionByAttribute—The reconcile operation supports the conflictDetection parameter to allow conflicts to be defined by attribute. Services that don't support this capability define all conflicts by object.
  • supportsPartialPost—The post operation supports using the rows parameter to support posting a portion of the edits (differences) in the version to default.
  • supportsDifferencesWithMoment—The differences operation supports using the fromMoment parameter to allow a user to obtain differences between two moments.
  • supportsDifferencesWithLayers—The differences operation supports using the layers parameter to allow users to filter the differences returned by layer instead of getting differences for all layers.
  • supportsAsyncReconcile—The reconcile operation supports execution asynchronously using the async parameter.
  • supportsAsyncPost—The post operation supports execution asynchronously using the async parameter.
  • supportsAsyncDifferences—The differences operation supports execution asynchronously using the async parameter.

VersionManagementServer resources and operations

Usage requirements

When using the VersionManagementServer resources and operations, keep the following in mind:

JSON Response syntax

  "name": "Version Management Server",
  "type": "Map Server Extension",
  "defaultVersionName": "<versionName>"
  "defaultVersionGuid": <guid>, 
  "capabilities": {
   "supportsConflictDetectionByAttribute": <true | false>, //Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1.
   “supportsPartialPost” : <true | false>, //Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.
   "supportsDifferencesFromMoment" : <true | false>, //Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.
   "supportsDifferencesWithLayers" : <true | false>, //Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1.
   "supportsAsyncReconcile" : <true | false>, //Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1.
   "supportsAsyncPost" : <true | false>, //Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1.
   "supportsAsyncDifferences" : <true | false>, //Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1.

Example usage

Request URL:

JSON response:

 "name": "Version Management Server",
 "type": "Map Server Extension",
 "defaultVersionName": "SDE.DEFAULT",
 "defaultVersionGuid": "{BD3F4817-9A00-41AC-B0CC-58F78DBAE0A1}", 
 "capabilities": {
  "supportsConflictDetectionByAttribute": true,
  “supportsPartialPost”: true, 
  "supportsDifferencesFromMoment": true,
  "supportsDifferencesWithLayers": true,
  "supportsAsyncReconcile": true,
  "supportsAsyncPost": true,
  "supportsAsyncDifferences": true