Optimal Path As Line


Optimal Path As Line diagram

The OptimalPathAsLine task calculates the optimal path from a source to a destination as a feature.

Example applications include the following:

Request parameters





A raster or feature dataset that identifies the cells from which the optimal path is determined to the least costly source.

If the input is a raster, it must consist of cells that have valid values (zero is a valid value) for the destinations, and the remaining cells must be assigned NoData.

Syntax: This parameter can have either a raster input or a feature input. For raster input, this parameter can be specified as a portal item ID, a URL to a raster image service layer, a cloud raster dataset, or a shared raster dataset. For feature input, this parameter can be specified as either a URL to a feature service layer or a feature collection.

Raster input examples:

//Portal item as input raster
"inputDestinationRasterOrFeatures":{"itemId": <portal item Id>}

//URL as input raster
"inputDestinationRasterOrFeatures":{"url": <image service layer url>}

Feature input examples:

//Feature layer URL
"inputDestinationRasterOrFeatures":{"url": <feature service layer url>}

//Feature collection
"inputDestinationRasterOrFeatures":{"layerDefinition": {}, "featureSet": {}}



Determines the optimal path from the sources to the destinations when a cost back direction raster is used for the direction input.

Syntax: This parameter can be specified as a portal item ID, a URL to a raster image service layer, a cloud raster dataset, or a shared raster dataset.


//Portal item as input raster
"inputDistanceAccumulationRaster":{"itemId": <portal item id>}

//URL as input raster
"inputDistanceAccumulationRaster":{"url": <image service layer url>}



Determines the path to return to a source via the least-cost path or the optimal path.

For each cell in the back direction, or flow direction raster, a value identifies the neighbor that is the next cell on the path from the cell to a source cell.

Syntax: This parameter can be specified as a portal item ID, a URL to a raster image service layer, a cloud raster dataset, or a shared raster dataset.

Raster input examples:

//Portal item as input raster
"inputBackDirectionRaster":{"itemId": <portal item id>}

//URL as input raster
"inputBackDirectionRaster":{"url": <image service layer url>}



The name of the output feature service that will contain the optimal path.

The task will create a feature service of the results. You can define the name of the service.

Output feature service examples:

//REST web example

//REST scripting example
"outputPolylineName" : "myOutput1"


The field used to obtain values for the destination locations.

The input feature service must contain at least one valid integer field.


"destinationField": "destinationValue"


A string describing the path type, which can be EACH_ZONE, BEST_SINGLE, or EACH_CELL.

  • EACH_ZONE—For each zone on the input destination data, an optimal path is determined and saved on the output raster. The optimal path for each zone begins at the cell with the lowest cost distance weighting in the zone. This is the default.
  • BEST_SINGLE—For all cells on the input destination data, the optimal path is derived from the cell with the minimum of the least-cost paths to source cells.
  • EACH_CELL—For each cell with valid values on the input destination data, an optimal path is determined and saved on the output raster. Each cell of the input destination data is treated separately, and a least-cost path is determined for each cell.


"pathType": "EACH_ZONE"


Specifies whether complete, and possibly overlapping, paths from the destinations to the sources are calculated or if nonoverlapping network paths are created.

Syntax: A Boolean value as either true or false.

  • A value of false specifies complete paths from the destinations to the sources are calculated, which can be overlapping. This is the default.
  • A value of true specifies nonoverlapping network paths are calculated.


"createNetworkPaths": false


Contains additional settings that affect task execution.


The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json | pjson


When you submit a request, the task assigns a unique job ID for the transaction.

  "jobId": "<unique job identifier>",
  "jobStatus": "<job status>"

After the initial request is submitted, you can use the jobId to periodically check the status of the job and messages as described in Checking job status. Once the job has successfully completed, you use the jobId to retrieve the results. To track the status, you can make a request of the following form:

https://<raster analysis tools url>/OptimalPathAsLine/jobs/<jobId>

When the status of the job request is esriJobSucceeded, you can access the results of the analysis by making a request of the following form:

https://<raster analysis tools url>/OptimalPathAsLine/jobs/<jobId>/results/outputOptimalPathAsLine

Example usage

Below is a sample request URL for OptimalPathAsLine.


JSON response example

The response returns the outputPolylineFeatures output parameter, which has properties for parameter name, data type, and value. The content of value depends on the outputPolylineName parameter being provided in the initial request. If outputPolylineName was provided, value contains the URL for the feature service layer. If outputPolylineName was not provided, value contains a feature collection.

outputPolylineName is provided in the following request:

  "value":{"url":"<hosted feature service layer url>"}

outputPolylineName is not provided in the following request:

  "value":{"layerDefinition": {}, "featureSet": {}}